In the last few weeks I published two posts ( one and two ) in which I talked about my experience with Tunisian crochet hooks. First post was about being a beginner and struggling to find decent hooks, and second post was about finding some quality one that I'm in love with. In this third post I'll write about some other hooks I have, and hopefully you'll have a bit more information to help you choose your own. The last Tunisian crochet hooks I bought are Denise Interchangeable Hooks (which come in grey and Pastel sets too; Pastel sets cost 5$ more, as 5$ are given to cancer research . You can read more about Denise's Pink Project here . The company also joined Stitch Red campaign to fight heart diseases ). Denise is a very famous brand of knitting needles and crochet hooks, dating back to 1973 and proudly producing their tools in the USA ever sin...