Last week I’ve been enjoying a week’s holiday by my beloved sea. This, combined with an amazing cotton (Pic-Nic by Miss Tricot Filati), inspired me to create a set of Spring/Summer items, a slim scarf and a headband. This is my very first set of items, and I’m pretty proud of it. They’re both simple, everyday accessories, the ones I love the most as I can wear them, in fact, every day, yet they’re not boring to make and look quite intriguing. I decided to name the set “Like a Wave of the Sea” (more explanations to come); I’m currently writing the instructions for both items, and I’d love to have them tested by 3 of my followers: if you’re interested, write it in the comments here or on my Facebook page , and in a couple of days, as soon as I have all info about gauge and materials, I’ll contact you. La settimana scorsa mi sono goduta una settimana di vacanza al mare, mia grande passione. Questa circostanza, insieme ad un cotone fantastico (Pic-Nic di Miss Tricot Filati), mi ha ...